Category: .orgCommunity

The Impact of Low Touch Economy on Associations – What Is Your Strategy in the New World?

The Impact of Low Touch Economy on Associations – What Is Your Strategy in the New World?

The Low Touch Economy is both a complication of the pandemic and a feature of digital business. In this episode, Sharon Rice, .orgSource Director of Business Strategy and I share the outcomes of research that our company conducted to learn how associations are navigating this new environment. We’ll focus on behavioral shifts, opportunities for innovation, and economic scenarios and strategies

Ep 1: Creating an Education Strategy That Will Keep Your Members Coming Back

Ep 1: Creating an Education Strategy That Will Keep Your Members Coming Back

Even before the pandemic, the way professionals learn was changing. If your education strategy is grounded in certification prep courses, CEUs and conferences, you may be working harder and harder to engage the same number of participants as you have in the past. If this is true for your association, it is a sign you may not be where the market is.

During this session, we will explore how professionals learn today, what employers are looking for, and how to use that information to create an education strategy that improves not only the number but also the share of participants year over year.