Category: Culture

Ep 97: The X-Factor of Any Organization or Team

Ep 97: The X-Factor of Any Organization or Team

Trust is more than a buzz word. It’s the lifeline of an organization or team. Trust is essential for fostering a positive culture in associations, according to Kevin Martlage, Senior Consultant at .orgSource and expert in interpersonal dynamics and organizational culture. As a certified Myers Briggs practitioner, Kevin also highlighted the need to reimagine culture to create a supportive environment for innovation. He emphasized the importance of intentionality, transparency, and empathy in building trust, and the need to align expectations and overcome blind spots. Kevin also stresses the importance of assessing and defining an organization’s culture by identifying what good looks like through several key factors. By incorporating these factors into the workplace, whether online for in-person, employee relations will improve and create a more positive work environment. Listen in!

Reach out to Kevin directly at to learn more about how he can help organizations with culture assessments or visit to schedule a meeting with one of our team of experts.

Ep 96: Transparency and Accountability – Helping Organizations Thrive

Ep 96: Transparency and Accountability – Helping Organizations Thrive

Artificial intelligence is certainly top of mind for association leaders and board members. That’s why we are delighted to feature .orgSource Consultant, Sue Dykema, on today’s episode. Sue has over 27 years of experience working as CEO and in various managerial positions at the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and is an expert in guiding organizations to achieve strategic objectives. Her esteemed track record and deep roots in the association industry bring a unique perspective that we can all learn from to find efficient solutions and make wise decisions.

In this episode, Sue emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence in associations to build trust and a positive culture for members. In addition, she discusses how board members can determine when artificial intelligence can be leveraged for tasks and when a human perspective is needed instead. Lastly, Sue shared her thoughts on how associations can reimagine governance in light of the shifting digital landscape.

All in all, Sue highlighted that technology is a tool to build productivity and associations need to be wise when incorporating it into their organizations. Listen in to learn how!

To get in touch with Sue, please email or

Ep 95: Managers and Directors – Our Unsung Heroes

Ep 95: Managers and Directors – Our Unsung Heroes

Joining us on the podcast today is .orgSource Managing Director of Digital Strategy, Sharon Rice, and .orgSource Consultant, Jennifer Proctor. About a decade ago, Sharon used to be Jennifer’s supervisor, which sparked the conversation of the relationship between staff members and directors, and how associations can better support those in positions of power to work at their full potential. Sharon and Jennifer identified three major areas of consideration.

In order for managers and directors to be more successful, they must first analyze their capacity. If there is a feeling of dread before the work day starts, or the feeling of never having enough time to get tasks completed, this could be a sign of burnout. To overcome this feeling, Sharon and Jennifer recommend using some of those vacation days to reset or delegating accordingly.

The second area managers and directors can find success in is having their staff create weekly status reports. This doesn’t have to be a lengthy write-up. It can be as simple as a one-page document with bullet points. A weekly status report is an excellent way for association leaders to stay informed about projects and build stronger connections with their staff.

Last, but not least, managers and directors need to remember they are in a unique position to understand the strategy of an organization and where the waste is. Waste doesn’t necessarily equate to a monetary value either. Waste could be identified by finding a better use of everyone’s time. For example, if meetings are disrupting too much of the day, why not establish a boundary of “No Meeting Mondays” where staff and leaders can be free to focus on their tasks for at least one day of the week?

There is a plethora of “food for thought” knowledge in this episode that is perfect for any leader in an organization. Feel free to send us a message on social media @orgsource to let us know some of the ways we can help association’s “unsung heroes” find success. Happy listening!

Ep 91: That’s So Fundamentally Human

Ep 91: That’s So Fundamentally Human

This episode of the Association 4.0 Podcast reveals a truth that practically everyone can relate to. The interest in networking and in person connection has never been more prominent than it is today in this post-COVID, technology-driven, world. That’s good news for associations and nonprofits, according to our guest, Kim Robinson, President of Frontline Co.

The demand for finding and connecting with like-minded people is only going to become more prevalent over the next few years. People appreciate in-person activities because of the isolation they’ve experienced during the pandemic and are craving human connection, says Robinson. This is how associations and nonprofits play such a huge role during this societal transition.

With their ability to bring industry professionals together over a common goal or interest, it’s clear the impact of associations and nonprofits isn’t dwindling anytime soon. Tune into this episode to learn more about opportunities for associations to engage their target audiences, how nonprofits can leverage artificial intelligence, and whether or not advocacy should be on an organization’s mind. Listen in!

To learn more about Kim Robinson and her team, visit

Ep 86: We Don’t Have Conversations Like We Used To

Ep 86: We Don’t Have Conversations Like We Used To

In the hot seat this week, is North Carolina Association of CPA’s Chief Operating Officer, Mark Soticheck. Mark weaves his extensive experience in accounting to this enlightening conversation with .orgSource’s CEO/Founder, Sherry Budziak. Together, they discuss how Artificial Intelligence has impacted their organizations, the potential demise of bookkeeping in associations, and when to unlearn any bad habits acquired over the last few years and reestablish new boundaries, new guides, and new ways of working together.

One of the simplest and most effective ways the NCACPA overcomes the challenges of communicating with their team, is by ensuring each person has their camera turned on during zoom meetings. This helps everyone become more intentional about their time and encourages their team to problem solve together.

Listen in to this episode to hear how Mark and his team create a balance between innovation and stability and to be reminded of the importance of being curious about what you’re doing and how you’re doing it.

To learn more about Mark Soticheck and his organization, visit or get in touch with Mark directly at

Ep 85: Punks and Pinstripes

Ep 85: Punks and Pinstripes

Let’s face it. Most professionals in the world enjoy being liked. While being admired isn’t a bad thing, it could lead organizations to settle for the status quo again and again. In order for progress to be made, our guest, international keynote speaker, best-selling author, and CEO/Founder of “Punks and Pinstripes,” Greg Larkin, encourages the professional “punks” to rise up.

Many associations struggle with advancing their organizations, whether it’s a fear of rejection from their board or an aversion to the chaos when implementing new programs, change is hard. That’s why change was made for the “hard core” folks AKA the “punks.”

Greg Larkin has founded his business, “Punks and Pinstripes” on the belief that opposition is validation, and that outlier perspective makes “punks” uniquely capable of solving hard problems. We’re so excited for you to listen to Greg’s impactful tips for innovation and learn how to embrace the qualities that make you different in an organization. Let’s be punk on purpose!

You can connect with Greg Larkin on his LinkedIn page, join the community, read his internationally best-selling book, “This Might Get Me Fired,” or watch some of his talks with the .orgCommunity.

Ep 84: Moving Away from Strategic Planning and Embracing Iterative Planning

Ep 84: Moving Away from Strategic Planning and Embracing Iterative Planning

Stepping into the spotlight, is .orgSource’s very own Managing Director of Business Strategy AKA .orgSource’s “Resident Futurist,” Sharon Rice.

Sharon is an expert on strategic and business planning, growth strategies, comprehensive product development, and has helped numerous associations find lasting success. In this episode, we tapped into Sharon’s wealth of knowledge to discover applicable ways CEO’s and Executives can adapt to a more virtual environment and inspire their staff and board members to embrace a more collaborative planning method.

“Associations can create the future that they want to create. It’s all about being intentional,” says Sharon.

Instead of the typical, “set it and bake it” type of strategic planning, Sharon urges organizations to lean into iterative planning which allows more voices to be heard and better prepares associations for change.

From book recommendations for leaders to discussing whether or not organizations should keep their leases in a virtual culture, the amount of wisdom packed in this episode is something you won’t want to miss. Listen in!

Ep 83: Creating an Organism Instead of an Organization

Ep 83: Creating an Organism Instead of an Organization

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Garth Jordan, CEO of the American Animal Hospital Association to discuss his thoughts on the current state of associations after the pandemic, how bosses can become more like mentors and guides, whether or not long-term strategies are worth planning, and much more.

This episode is jam-packed with advice for CEOs and association leaders to discover the path towards high collaboration within their board and how to build trust to minimize micromanagement. It’s time to eliminate the extraneous and unnecessary and create a more balanced and innovative organization. Tune into this powerful episode to learn how to simplify the journey towards excellence!

Ep 82: Strategies and Advice for Future Success for Leaders and the Like

Ep 82: Strategies and Advice for Future Success for Leaders and the Like

Business, regardless of whether you’re in the profit or nonprofit sector, is fundamentally about people. An association’s employees and board members play a crucial role to the health of the organization and its future success. Finding and attracting the right people can prove to be a difficult challenge, especially in today’s fast-paced digital market.

Our guests, Don Dea, Co-Founder of Fusion Productions and digitalNow, and his son, Al Dea, Founder of Edge of Work, sat down with us to discuss how leaders can be better listeners, tips to attracting top talent, and the most effective ways to encourage a team to do their best work.

“If you did your job in terms of bringing the right people on the bus, you have to make sure they are in the right seats,” says Don.

Get ready to challenge assumptions, spark creativity, and invite exploration in this thought-provoking episode of the Association 4.0 Podcast. Listen in!

Ep 80: Unlocking the Executive Mindset with Donna Gandt of Impexium

Ep 80: Unlocking the Executive Mindset with Donna Gandt of Impexium

Join us in this insightful episode as I sit down with Donna Gandt, Chief Revenue Officer at Impexium, a leading force in empowering associations through streamlined membership management solutions. In today’s conversation, Donna and I delve into a topic close to .orgSource’s heart—cultivating the executive mindset within your team. We explore the essence of “thinking like an executive” and the profound impact it can have on both individuals and organizations.

Don’t miss this chance to gain valuable insights from Donna’s wealth of experience and expertise. Whether you’re a seasoned leader or aspiring to develop your team, this episode provides actionable strategies for fostering a culture of executive thinking within your organization.

Ep 78: Adapting and Innovating in Healthcare: A Conversation with Terrence Sykes, Chief Growth Officer at ENA

Ep 78: Adapting and Innovating in Healthcare: A Conversation with Terrence Sykes, Chief Growth Officer at ENA

This week, we have the pleasure of hosting Terrence Sykes, Chief Growth Officer at the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA). ENA stands as the leading professional nursing association, committed to shaping the future of emergency nursing through advocacy, education, research, innovation, and leadership.

In this episode, Terrence delves into the transformative impact of the pandemic on his perspectives, shedding light on how it has reshaped his approach to nurturing relationships and driving revenue in recent years. He also provides insights into his strategies for fostering innovation within his team, ensuring that imaginative concepts become actionable realities.

With ENA’s strong emphasis on nurturing a culture rooted in values, Terrence reveals the methods they employ to mitigate risk and seize opportunities in their pursuit of excellence. Join us for this insightful conversation!

Also check out the other podcasts from association leaders at the ENA:




Ep 74: Leadership in an Ever-Changing World: Pioneering the Path Forward

Ep 74: Leadership in an Ever-Changing World: Pioneering the Path Forward

This week’s guest is Matty Rubenstein, founder of Aspaklaria, an association executive advisory firm he started about 15 years ago. For most of that time, he has been an interim strategy partner to many senior executives across IEEE, the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers. For this episode, Matty talks to us about the challenges and opportunities he sees on the horizon for associations, as well as tactics and tools he thinks leaders should use to navigate disruption. He also chimes in on the role AI will play for consultants and how he sees the association industry changing both in the short and long term. Don’t forget to tune in! 

Ep 72: The AI Revolution: Navigating the Potential Impact and Perils

Ep 72: The AI Revolution: Navigating the Potential Impact and Perils

Welcome to episode 72 where Amy Williams, MSIMC, President and CEO of Hydra Communications LLC and Senior Consultant at .orgSource, and Jane Pearson, Vice President, Marketing and Communications at .orgSource, embark on a captivating journey through the vast landscape of artificial intelligence. In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the transformative power of AI and its far-reaching implications for associations, exploring both the remarkable possibilities it offers and the potential dangers it presents. Join us as we navigate the intricate ethical, social, and economic dimensions of AI, understand how it is reshaping various sectors, uncover its potential for positive change, and delve into the critical discussions surrounding responsible AI development. Get ready to embark on an eye-opening exploration of AI’s impact and the imperative of shaping its future for the benefit of associations and beyond.

Ep 71: Embracing the Dynamic Fusion of Technology and Culture

Ep 71: Embracing the Dynamic Fusion of Technology and Culture

This week’s guest is Patrick Dorsey, Senior Vice President of Marketing at Impexium. Patrick is responsible for the positioning; demand generation; CRM and automated marketing initiatives; as well as the integrated marketing efforts for Impexium, Billhighway and Greekbill. With over 25 years of experience across all marketing disciplines, he has designed and executed dozens of marketing initiatives focused on helping associations establish market leadership and exceed business objectives For this discussion, Patrick talks to us about the relationship between technology and culture, and the the biggest misconceptions that association professionals have about technology needs. Let us take a deep dive on how the most successful organizations use technology to leverage and maintain a healthy culture for their staff and members. 



Ep 70: Culture Counts: Building Workplace Culture That Attracts, Retains, and Inspires Part II

Ep 70: Culture Counts: Building Workplace Culture That Attracts, Retains, and Inspires Part II

This week we continue our conversation with Beth Taylor and Randy Wilson from the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) in Chicago, IL about the importance of culture in today’s business environment. Our guests continue the discussion on how to intentionally build trust with your team in a remote setting and adjusting their leadership approach to match today’s current culture.